Noise Characteristics and Recording Mechanism of Obliquely Oriented Thin-Film Tapes.

The noise characteristics of obliquely oriented thin-film tapes are investigated with regard to the head-scanning direction. Noise, being less in the normal head-scanning direction than in the reverse-scanning direction, increases in correlation with a demagnetizing action in the higher MMF region. It is inferred that the head field on the trailing side yields AC erasing, functioning more in the reversescanning direction, in which the head field direction almost coincides with the easy axis of the tapes. In the optimum MMF region, the noise increases with the carrier frequency, indicating that the irregularity of the transition region dominates the modulation noise. VSM measurements show that the distribution of the extrinsic eay-axis-direction component of the effective head field on the head trailing side, in which the demagnetizing field is taken into account, exhibits a steeper gradient in normal scanning than in reverse scanning, resulting in a narrower transition width.

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