Die simultane Registrierung der Elektrokochleographie (ECoG) und der Hirnstammpotentiale (BER) ermöglicht, die I-V-Intervalle leichter zu erkennen und erhöht so die Zuverlässigkeit und den prognostischen Wert der elektrophysiologischen Messungen des akustischen Systems. The simultaneous recording of the electrocochleography (ECoG) and the brainstem-evoked responses (BER) enables the I–V interval to be known easily and thus increases the reliability and prognostic value of electrophysiologic measurements of the auditory system. The correlation between the first negative peak of the action potential (N1 in ECoG) and the wave I (BER) is evident. Simultaneous recording of the ECoG and the BER objectifies other correlations, especially N2 and wave II. Wave I, like Wave II, would result from the summation of the cochlear nerve responses and those of the cochlear nuclei. Wave I would be the early cochlear responses and wave II the late cochlear responses corresponding to the high and low responses, as described in ECoG.