Mycosphaerelladiseases of juvenile foliage in a eucalypt species and provenance trial in Victoria, Australia

The incidence of mycosphaerella leaf diseases and the severity of seven species of Mycosphaerella were assessed on the juvenile foliage of 13 eucalypt species and 35 provenances in a 2–3 year old trial in south-eastern Australia. Significant variation was observed between the 13 host species, with E. cypellocarpa and E. nitens recording the highest disease incidence and E. elata and E. oreades having no assessable disease. While wide variation was observed between provenances within species, variation was significant only between provenances of E. nitens. Seven species of Mycosphaerella were recorded on diseased leaves collected from the trial. M. cryptica and M. nubilosa were the most damaging, with M. cryptica being the most common and having the widest host range.