Formation and Molecular Dynamics of Cycloamylose Inclusion Complexes with Phenylalanine

The molecular dynamics of the inclusion complexes of cycloamyloses with phenylalanine in aqueous solution at different pD have been studied by means of carbon-13 NMR spectroscopy. As host cycloamyloses we have chosen cyclohexaamylose, cycloheptaamylose, and cyclooctaamylose. The influences of the cavity size of cycloamyloses and of medium pD values on the molecular dynamics of inclusion complexes were studied by using the NT1η values, where T1 is the carbon-13 spin-lattice relaxation time, N the number of directly bonded proton to a given carbon, and η is the viscosity of solution. Upon complexation, the NT1η values of phenyl carbons of guest phenylalanine show larger decreases than those of other carbons, indicating that the guest forms the inclusion complexes with the host by the insertion of its phenyl ring into the host cavity even in the case of cyclooctaamylose. It was found that the strength of the dynamic coupling between host and guest depends on the cavity size and pD values of medium. The strongest coupling was observed for the cycloheptaamylose–phenylalanine system at pD 11.3, where the phenyl ring is deeply and tightly included into the cavity. The inclusion of phenyl ring is shallow and loose in the case of cyclohexaamylose and deep and loose in the case of cyclooctaamylose.