User's Guide for the Criterion Task Set

The Criterion Task Sets (CTS) is a battery of performance tasks developed for use as a standardized test instrument that can be applied to a number of general problem areas relating to the prediction and assessment of human performance. This is one of the two technical reports which serve as documentation for the CTS. The first (Shingledecker, 1984) present a discussion of the theoretical issues and practical considerations which guided the development of the CTS, along with descriptions of the individual tasks composing the battery. This report presents supplementary material relating to the proper assembly and operation of the CTS system, and to its use for testing human subjects. Briefly, the CTS consists of a number of psychomotor and cognitive tasks that are designed to impose demands on the functional information processing resources of the human operator as they are utilized in Air Force systems. The present report provides detailed information with respect to: system hardware, system assembly, data collection, and data analysis. Instructions to subjects are provided for each task. Furthermore, sample printouts of raw and summarized data are provided for three selected tasks.

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