Measurement of Light attenuation in dense fog conditions for FSO applications

Free Space Optics (FSO) has gained considerable importance in this decade of demand for high bandwidth transmission capabilities. FSO can provide the last mile solution, but the availability and reliability issues concerned with it have acquired more attention, and a need for thorough investigations. In this work, we present our results about fog attenuation at the 950 and 850 nm wavelengths in heavy maritime fog with peak values up to 500 dB/km. For the attenuation measurement, optical wavelengths are transmitted over the same path of fog in free air to a receiver, measuring the power of every wavelength. The RF marker technology employed takes advantage of modulating every optical wavelength with an individual carrier frequency, allowing to use one optical front end for the receiver and to separate individual wavelengths by electrical signal filters. The measurement of fog attenuation at different wavelengths was performed at the France Telecom R & D test facility at La Turbie. Maritime or advection fog, which caused the light attenuation consists of water droplets of larger diameter in the order of 20 μm and can cause visibilities as low as 30 meters. The visibility was measured using a transmissiometer at 550 nm. We compare our measurement data with the commonly used light attenuation models of Kruse and Kim, and present some interesting insights. The practical measurements described try to validate the models and therefore should lead to a more accurate availability prediction for FSO links.

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