High-resolution x-ray-photoemission study of single crystallineSr2CuO2Cl2

Sr2CuO2Cl2 contains CuO2 planes separated by ionic SrCl block layers and can be regarded as a model substance for cuprates concerning many of their physical properties, in particular the dynamics of valence-band holes in a two-dimensional antiferromagnetic background. We present and discuss core-level and valence-band photoemission data. The Cu2p photoelectron spectrum differs from the spectra of other cuprate compounds, in particular with regard to the parent cuprates of the high-Tc superconductors. The Cu2p main lines are comprised of more than two peaks with strong satellite emission which exhibits a distinct angular-dependent fine structure. We present calculations of a Cu5O16 cluster within the dp model and discuss the features in the main line of the Cu2p photoemission spectrum in terms of the different screening channels available in CuO2 planes.