Gamma Decay of Excited States inBi210and an Interpretation with the Shell Model

The γ decay of excited states in Bi210 up to 3250-keV excitation energy has been studied with the Bi209(d, pγ) reaction at 8.0- and 10.0-MeV incident deuteron energies, using particle-γ and γγ coincidence techniques and a pulsed deuteron beam. For almost all of the states excited in this reaction, γ-decay branching ratios were obtained. The branched decay of states with a dominant configuration (d52νh92π) into states with a (g92νh92π) configuration was analyzed to determine experimentally the amount of configuration mixing between these two multiplets. The obtained mixing amplitudes are in remarkably good agreement with shellmodel calculations. From the observed lifetimes of the (g92νh92π)5,7 states, a reduced matrix element of g92νE2g92ν=38±4 e fm2 has been extracted. This value is in good agreement with an intermediate coupling calculation which yields 35 e fm2.