Influence of temperature on activity of the isolated whole bladder preparation of neonatal and adult rats

The temperature sensitivity of in vitro whole bladder preparations from neonatal and adult rats with or without chronic partial urethral obstruction was investigated. After the bladder was filled to a volume eliciting isovolumetric contractions, temperature was changed between 19 and 38°C. In all preparations, higher temperatures were associated with higher frequencies of spontaneous intravesical pressure waves (IVPW). In 1- to 2-wk-old neonates, IVPW amplitude increased as the temperature increased; however, in older neonates and normal adults, the opposite occurred. The transition period was at 3 wk of age when bladder volume also markedly increased. At this age as well as in adult rats with outlet obstruction, changing temperature had little influence on the amplitude of IVPW. Thus obstructed outlet bladders and 3-wk-old bladders had similar properties. It is concluded that the properties of bladder muscle are changed during postnatal maturation and that in 3-wk-old rats, when brain control of voiding is emerging, micturition is abnormal, leading to obstructive changes in bladder muscle.