Fenofibrate therapy of hypertriglyceridaemias. Differential effects on LDL cholesterol level in Type IV and in Type IIb primary hyperlipoproteinaemia

Twenty five hypertriglyceridaemic patients (16 Type IV and 9 Type IIb) were treated with fenofibrate 300 mg/d. In Type IV patients serum triglycerides and VLDL cholesterol decreased, while LDL and HDL cholesterol rose significantly. In Type IIb patients, triglycerides and total, VLDL, IDL and LDL cholesterol were significantly reduced by the treatment. The correction of hypertriglyceridaemia by fenofibrate seems, therefore, to induce different changes in lipoproteins in Type IIb and in Type IV hyperlipoproteinaemic patients. The practical implications of these results are discussed.