687 individuals of 42 spp. of mammals, birds, amphibians, worms, insects, and molluscs were killed in a year''s time on this heavily traveled country road. Besides being run over, many insects, especially bees, were killed by being thrown onto the ground by the force of air currents produced by the passing car. The maximum deaths occurred in Aug. at the time of greatest traffic and max. animal life. Greatest mortality occurred during the hottest week of the yr. Ants, Myrmica ruginodis, dragged bees for food back to their nests at the side of the road. Casualties were greatly reduced where trees bordered the road. Horse droppings and dead carcasses attracted some insects (flies and Necrophorus humator) which normally would not come onto the road. There may be survival of the fittest as the more agile and alert would be better able to get away from the traffic.