Contacts of dopaminergic interplexiform cells in the outer retina of the blue acara

Dopaminergic interplexiform cells in the retina of the blue acara were investigated using an antiserum against tyrosine hydroxylase and PAP visualization. In whole-mount preparations, we observed a homogeneous distribution of cell bodies throughout the retina without any indication of regional specialization. At the fine and ultrastructural level, we studied the morphology of labeled telodendria within the outer plexiform layer. Apart from contacts with horizontal cell perikarya and bipolar cell dendrites, we observed direct contacts, mostly in the form of close appositions, with cone pedicles and rod spherules. Quantitative evaluation and reconstruction of serial sections showed that all cone pedicles and most rod terminals were approached in this way. The dopaminergic pathway terminating on horizontal cells and photoreceptors is discussed with respect to the localization of dopamine receptors in the outer retina, and the control of adaptive changes such as retinomotor movements, spinule formation, and horizontal cell coupling.