(t,d) reaction onTe124,Te126,Te128, andTe130nuclei

Differential cross section angular distributions have been measured for levels below 2.5 MeV in each residual nucleus in the Te124,126,128,130(t,d)Te125,127,129,131 reactions at Et=16 MeV. The reaction products were analyzed in an Enge split-pole magnetic spectrograph and were detected by a delay-line counter at the focal plane. The deuteron energy resolution obtained was between 13 and 15 keV full width at half maximum depending on the target used. The deuteron spectra from these Te(t,d) reactions are quite similar to the proton spectra obtained in the (d,p) reactions on the same target nuclei. Several new levels were, however, populated and most of them have L values ≥2. Distorted-wave Born-approximation analyses of these Te(t,d) reaction data have been performed and spectroscopic factors extracted. These compare well with the spectroscopic factors obtained from previous (d,p) experiments except for levels in Te125. In this case the present values are ∼25% lower than those obtained in the (d,p) reaction; however, they are in good agreement with the spectroscopic factors obtained in (t,d) and (d,p) reactions on the other tellurium nuclei.