Tumors of the Lateral Ventricular Wall, Especially the Septum Pellucidum: Clinical Presentation and Variations in Pathological Features

The clinical and histopathological features of 19 patients with tumors involving the septum pellucidum are presented. These tumors predominantly affected young adults, and the clinical manifestations were usually the results of raised intracranial pressure related to obstructive hydrocephalus, mental abnormality, epileptic seizures, or a combination of these. Seventeen of the tumors grew mainly in the lateral and third ventricles, and the other 2 grew both into the lateral ventricle and the cerebral parenchyma. The direction of cellular differentiation of the tumor cells varied from patient to patient and consisted of 8 neurocytomas, 1 mature neuronal tumor with ganglionic and small round neuronal cells, 3 subependymomas, 3 subependymal giant cell astrocytomas, 2 pilocytic astrocytomas, 1 malignant astrocytoma, and 1 teratoma with embryonal carcinoma. These tumors were considered to have arisen from the multipotential cells in the subependymal plate or germ cell rests in the lateral ventricular wall, especially in the septum pellucidum. Because of the relatively inert biological behavior and histological features of most of these tumors, we favor the malformative theory of their origin. Either total or an extensive excision of the tumors in this series, which had developed mainly in the ventricular system, provided long-term survival in many cases.