Production ofΣ+Hyperons by 990-Mev Positive Pions in Liquid Hydrogen

The production and subsequent decay of six Σ+ hyperons was observed in the central region of a hydrogen bubble chamber exposed to π+ mesons of kinetic energy 990±30 Mev at the Cosmotron. The corresponding total production cross section, corrected for scanning inefficiencies, is 0.160.06+0.08 mb. This value, combined with weighted averages of Σ0 and Σ production cross sections in hydrogen obtained by Brookhaven, Columbia, and Berkeley groups, is used to compute the three triangular inequalities imposed by charge independence. The inequality [σ(Σ+)]12+[σ(Σ)]12[2σ(Σ0)]12=0.120.10+0.11(mb)120 is the only one that might not be satisfied. The near-zero value of the left-hand side indicates the difficulty to be encountered in demonstrating a failure of charge independence at this energy.