Technique d'enregistrement et d'analyse des mouvements oculaires

The aim of this article is to describe an apparatus registering eye movements, that alleviates the constraints that are usually necessary to control head movements. In a second part, the errors observed in gaze localisation by using the pupilar referential are analysed. Finally, means of increasing precision in the determination of visual fixation and facilitating the analysis of the registered images are proposed. These means comprise: (i) the use of an algorithm enabling the calculation of a correspondence grid of distortion for any one visual fixation, (ii) the use of a fixed standard dependent on the apparatus enabling the permanent determination of the position of the head, (iii) the possibility of analysing the registered images in a semiautomatic way by means of a ‘writing tablet’ and a computer of the PDP 8 series. Only four calibration points are necessary to determine all the useful parameters for the registering procedure and the analysis proposed.