Nippostrongylus muris, Haemonchus contortus, Nematodirus spathiger, and N. filicollis are all capable of utilizing oxygen for respiratory purposes even when it is present at very low oxygen tensions. Thus with a partial pressure as low as 5 mm. of mercury the respiration of Nippostrongylus muris may reach 40 per cent. of its maximum rate, whereas Nematodirus spp. and H. contortus may respire at 25 and 12 per cent. of their maximum rates respectively. Further, the results indicate that in vivo the oxygen consumption rates may sometimes reach 80 per cent. of the maximum in vitro rate in the case of Nippostrongylus muris in the small intestine of the rat and 40 per cent. in the case of Nematodirus spp. in the small intestine of the sheep. Haemonchus contortus in the sheep abomasums probably respires at a relatively lower rate than either of the intestinal parasites in vivo.