The hyperfine structure of 7LiI by molecular beam techniques

The v=0, J=1,2 radio‐frequency spectra of 7LiI have been observed in a molecular beam electric resonance spectrometer. The measured hyperfine structure parameters are (all units kilohertz): idoine electric quadrupole coupling, eqQI −198478.627(10), −1985503.955(50); lithium electric quadrupole coupling, eqQLi 171.000(30), 171.08(18); idoine spin–rotation, C1 6.8039 (8); lithium spin–rotation, C2 0.754(3); tensor spin–spin, C3 0.627(2); scalar spin–spin, C4 0.062(1); iodine magnetic octupole coupling, ‖eωΩ‖ehH‖J=1; the second, for J=2).