The Characteristics of Cuban Immigrant Inhalant Abusers

The characteristics of Cuban immigrant inhalant abusers admitted to the Spanish Family Guidance Clinic during a 1-year period were studied. Not surprisingly, this group was found to be similar to inhalant abusers in the national picture. The inhalers in this study were all males, mostly very young, from very low socioeconomic levels, largely from disrupted family backgrounds and disrupted neighborhoods. They showed poor school and/or employment performance, serious antisocial behavior, and occasional hallucinatory experiences. This group of inhalers was found to be multiple substance abusers and more likely to be characterized by a pattern of polydrug abuse than by their abuse of inhalants per se. This finding confirms a general national trend toward the abuse of multiple rather than single substances. A comparison of inhalers with a carefully chosen control group of clients admitted into the Clinic during the same period of time, matched by nationality, sex, and age, indicates that the two groups are similar in important ways. Both groups present general profiles of acting out adolescents, and tend to come from low socioeconomic, disrupted families and poor neighborhoods.

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