Some aspects of solute segregation to stacking faults

Although the possibility of segregation of substitutional atoms to stacking faults has been discussed by a number of authors, experimental confirmation is quite contradictory. To clarify this point, a series of isothermal annealing measurements of a substitutional f.c.c. alloy was performed to investigate the existence and kinetics of segregation. During the first hour of room temperature annealing of filings of a Cu plus 22·8 at. % Zn alloy, the width of stacking faults increases. This increase is produced by segregation to the faults. Subsequently, after annealing for about one day, a decrease in the width of the faults occurs. The origin of this decrease in width remains unknown. By correlation of the amount of faulting present and the electrical resistivity, the following observations about the resistivity of stacking faults in this system can be made: