Failed Obstetric Tracheal Intubation and Postoperative Respiratory Support with the ProSeal??? Laryngeal Mask Airway

The ProSeal™ laryngeal mask airway (ProSeal™ LMA) provides a better seal and probably better airway protection than the classic laryngeal mask airway (classic LMA). We report the use of the ProSeal™ LMA in a 26-yr-old female with HELLP syndrome for failed obstetric intubation and postoperative respiratory support. Both laryngoscope-guided tracheal intubation and face mask ventilation failed, but a size 4 ProSeal™ LMA was easily inserted and high tidal volumes obtained. A gastric tube was inserted through the ProSeal™ LMA drain tube and 300 mL of clear fluid was removed from the stomach. There were no hemodynamic changes during ProSeal™ LMA insertion. Postoperatively, the patient was transferred to the intensive care unit, where she was ventilated via the ProSeal™ LMA for 8 h until the platelet count had increased and she was hemodynamically stable. Weaning and ProSeal™ LMA removal were uneventful. There is anecdotal evidence supporting the use of the LMA devices for failed obstetric intubation (19 cases) and for postoperative respiratory support (8 cases). In principle, the ProSeal™ LMA may offer some advantages over the classic LMA in both these situations.

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