SummaryThree species of finch, Gouldian Erythrura gouldiae, Long-tailed Poephila acuticauda and Masked P. personata were studied at two sites (Newry and Yinberrie) in the Top End of the Northern Territory. The Gouldian Finch began to moult after its breeding season (usually late February-August) at Newry, earlier at Yinberrie. The Long- tailed Finch began to moult during its breeding season (usually early February-October). The rates of moult increased in the order: Long-tailed, Masked and Gouldian Finch. All species began to moult later at Newry, the drier of the two sites. In Gouldian and Masked Finches, both sexes began to moult at the same time. Gouldian Finches were heaviest, while Masked Finches were lightest. Adult weights were lowest during the dry season, May to October.