Evaluation of low dose continuous infusion 5-fluorouracil in patients with advanced and recurrent renal cell carcinoma. A Southwest Oncology Group study

Background. The response rate of metastatic renal cell cancer to cytotoxic therapy over the last 10 years has been 5.6%. Low dose continuous 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) has demonstrated efficacy in other cytotoxic refractory tumors, such as pancreas, colorectal, and recurrent breast. The Southwest Oncology Group undertook a Phase II trial of low dose, continuous 5-FU in metastatic renal cell cancer. Methods. Sixty-one patients were entered in the study to receive 300 mg 5-FU/m2/day for 7 days via a central venous catheter and external programmable pump. The pump was refilled every 7 days. Pyridoxine (50 mg, orally) was administered prophylactically three times a day. Results. A response of 5.2% (one complete response [CR] and two partial responses [PRs]) was achieved. The overall survival was 12 months. The duration of the CR is more than 30 months. Both PRs lasted 6 months. No survival advantage was noted with either prior nephrectomy or biologic therapy. The majority of toxicities were Grade 2: anemia, anorexia, diarrhea, nausea/vomiting, and stomatitis. No toxic deaths occurred. Conclusion. Low dose, continuous 5-FU demonstrated minimal activity in metastatic renal cancer.