Transgenic tobacco plants co‐expressing Agrobacterium iaa and ipt genes have wild‐type hormone levels but display both auxin‐ and cytokinin‐overproducing phenotypes

Summary: Transgenic tobacco lines simultaneously expressing the Agrobacterium iaaM, iaaH and ipt genes, obtained by crossing lines expressing ipt with lines expressing iaaM and iaaH, were used to study in planta interactions between auxin and cytokinins. All phenotypic traits of the respective parental lines characteristic of cytokinin and auxin overproduction were present in the cross. Indole‐3‐acetic acid (IAA) and combined zeatin riboside (ZR) and zeatin riboside‐5′‐monophosphate (ZRMP) contents were analysed by mass spectrometry in young, developing leaves from the cross, the parental lines and the wild type. Unexpectedly, hormone levels in the cross were very similar to wild‐type levels. Thus IAA levels in the cross were much lower throughout vegetative development than in the parental IAA overproducing line, although expression of the bacterial IAA biosynthesis genes was not reduced. The results suggest that effects on apical dominance, adventitious root formation, leaf morphology and other traits commonly ± associated with IAA and cytokinin overproduction, and observed in the iaaËipt cross, cannot be explained solely by analysis of auxin and cytokinin contents in individual organs. As traits associated with both hormones are expressed in close spatial and temporal proximity, it is likely that cellular resolution of hormone contents is essential to explain physiological responses to auxins and cytokinins.