The effects of osmolar and ionic factors on endocytosis and exocytosis were investigated using rabbit reticulocytes and 125I‐59Fe labelled transferrin. Endocytosis and exocytosis of transferrin and the uptake of iron were inhibited by increasing the osmolality or decreasing the ionic strength or pH of the cell incubation medium. However, elevation of the pH above 8.0 inhibited endocytosis but not exocytosis. Replacement of the NaCl in the incubation medium by Nal, NaF, NaSCN, NaCIO4, Na2SO4, Na phosphate, or Na Hepes inhibited endocytosis and iron uptake but only Nal, NaF, and NaSCN inhibited exocytosis. Transferrin exocytosis was insensitive to inhibitors of anion or cation transport, but endocytosis and iron uptake were inhibited by several anion transport inhibitors. Overall, transferrin endocytosis was more sensitive than exocytosis to most of the factors which were investigated, and the effects on the rates of endocytosis and iron uptake were quantitatively very similar. The results provide strong support for the concept that transferrin endocytosis is a necessary step in iron uptake by reticulocytes. They do not support the chemiosmotic models of exocytosis in their present formulations, out do not rule out the possible role of an osmotic event in exocytosis.