Correlations between the genetic control of natural and oxazolone‐induced antibody production

Nonimmune sera of inbred and H‐2‐congenic mouse strains contain natural antibodies of the IgM type reacting with 4‐(ethoxymethylene)‐2‐phenyl‐oxazolin‐5‐one (oxazolone). The genetic regulation of the level of natural and induced antibodies to oxazolone was compared. High natural antibody‐producing ability was inherited recessively, while high oxazolone‐induced IgM antibody formation was dominant in F1 animals. Studies on nude mice demonstrated that T cells do not affect the natural antibody level, but were required for induced antibody production. Breeding studies and linkage analysis revealed multigenic control and a significant role of allotype‐linked genes in both cases. Furthermore, the influence of H‐2‐linked genes on induced primary IgM antibody production was demonstrated.