This study on the different types of epithelial hyperplasia in fibrocystic disease was inspired by the observation of myoepithelial (basocellular) hyperplasia identified by strong expression of S100 protein and a weak reaction with antibodies against cytokeratin (KL1) in cells forming solid and acinar buds. The cells do not contain immunohistochemically detectable actin or desmin. Glandular transformation and proliferation give rise to basocellular circumductal adenosis. Normal breast tissue, 51 cases of fibrocystic disease with mild, florid and atypical hyperplasias, 7 fibroadenomas and 20 cases of carcinoma in situ were studied and a semiquantitative analysis revealed basal buds and adenosis in less than 40% of cases of mild hyperplasia and up to 73% in florid hyperplasia. Epitheliosis is characterized by a heterogeneous cell pattern with cells positive for S100 protein in 30–60%, but in small ducts up to 100% with an immediate connection to the basal cell layer were positive. Carcinoma in situ contained very rare tumour cells positive for S100 protein. The cells expressing S100 protein in terminal ducts, in adenosis and epitheliosis showed only some of the characteristics of myoepithelial cells, since they lack immunoreactivity with antibodies against actin. These basal clear cells are interpreted as transitional or indeterminate cells with features of myoepithelial precursor cells, but with the ability to develop basocellular nodular and glandular hyperplasia in the ductulo-lobular units in cases of adenosis and juvenile fibroadenoma.