Early aneurysm surgery: a 7 year clinical practice report

One hundred and fifty patients with intracranial aneurysms, operated on consecutively in the early stage in our department, were re-evaluated retrospectively. Seven surgeons operated on 159 aneurysms in 150 patients. Seventy-nine percent of the patients were in grades I–III (scale of Hunt and Hess), 21% in grades IV–V. Seventyone percent had a severe haemorrhage (classification of Fisheret al.), 21% had an intracerebral haematoma. Intraoperative CSF drainage was an almost indispensable tool while postoperative external drainage did not prove to be helpful in preventing vasospasm and/or hydrocephalus. Induced hypotension was abandoned in favour of temporary clipping. Thirteen percent of the patients suffered a permanent or fatal immediate postoperative deterioration, while 11% developed delayed neurological deficits. Five percent were related to vasospasms alone, they were all transient. Five percent had vasospasm combined with other complications. One of them had permanent and the other one fatal deficits. One percent deteriorated due to embolism or occluded vessels. The results improved with the introduction of the calcium channel blocker nimodipine, induced hypertension and transcranial Doppler sonographic control of the vasospasm. Patients in good preoperative condition had a good early outcome in 69%. The result was fair in 21% and poor in 4%, while 6% of the patients died. In the poor condition group 22% of the patients made a good, 13% a fair, and 59% a poor recovery, 16% of whom died. We conclude that today the results of early surgery are becoming similar to those of delayed surgery and that the importance of vasospasm for an unfavourable outcome is insignificant in comparison with lesions produced by the haemorrhage and operation.