Rib perichondrial grafts for the repair of full-thickness articular-cartilage defects. A morphological and biochemical study in rabbits.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the use of perichondrial grafts in articular cartilage defects and to characterize the newly formed cartilage. In a rabbit model, rib perichondrium was used to repair full-thickness defects in the femoral condyle. The quality of repair was then evaluated histologically and biochemically at six and twelve weeks after grafting. Unacceptable results were obtained in 50 per cent of the rabbits. These failures were due to condylar fracture in 20 per cent, failure of graft attachment in 20 per cent, and infection in 10 per cent. The technique of grafting must be improved to increase the percentage of successful grafts in which neocartilage with a relatively normal chemical composition fills the articular cartilage defect. Successful grafts proliferate to fill the full-thickness defect with neocartilage, which has biochemical characteristics that are similar to those of hyaline cartilage.