Synthesis and identification of a third component of the San Jose scale sex pheromone

Two components of the San Jose scale sex pheromone had previously been identified as 7-methyl-3-methylene-7-octen-1-yl propanoate (I) and (Z)-3,7-dimethyl-2,7-octadien-1-yl propanoate (II). An isomer and various homologs have subsequently been synthesized and tested in a greenhouse bioassay. TheE isomer of II (XI) was found to be attractive to male scales. This compound has now been isolated and identified from airborne extracts of virgin female scales. The composition of the natural pheromone was 48.5%, 46.7%, and 4.8% of I, II, and XI, respectively. In field tests in California and New York, synthetic XI was found to be attractive to male scales alone and in combination with I and II, but there was no obvious increase in trap catch when the synthetic isomers were present in the same ratio as in the natural blend.