One- and two-photon spectra of NaF:Cu+: Jahn–Teller and vibronic coupling effects

Notwithstanding the fact that CuF does not exist, the dilute solid solution NaF:CuF is stable. One‐ and two‐photon spectra of the cubic single crystals were obtained for the near ultraviolet 3d10→3d94s transitions of Cu+ over a range of temperatures from 2 to 300 K. The two‐photon polarized spectra allowed the separation of the 1Eg from the 1T2g spectra, and revealed the double humped band characteristic of the Jahn–Teller effect. Zero phonon lines were observed in the two‐photon spectra, and a progression in a low frequency t1u mode was observed with even quanta in the two‐photon, odd quanta in the one‐photon spectra. From the fine structure and from the temperature dependence of the broadbands, information about the potential function of the Cu+ in NaF was derived for a1g, eg, and t1u coordinates. The Cu+ is on center in the ground and excited states. The value of EJT is 2250 cm−1 and 10 Dq is 1800 cm−1 for the d9s configuration.