Diagnosis and therapy of irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of the most common gut functional diseases, affecting 10–20% of people worldwide. Although most patients do not seek medical help, the disease accounts for huge costs for both patients and health‐care systems and worsens significantly patients' quality of life. Diagnosis is based on the identification of symptoms according to Manning, Rome I and Rome II criteria and exclusion of alarm indicators. IBS symptoms overlap with those of coeliac disease, lactose intolerance, food allergies and bile salt malabsorption. The treatment of IBS is centred on an excellent doctor–patient relationship along with drugs targeting the predominant symptom, especially during exacerbations. Current pharmacological remedies are unsatisfactory due to the high number of patients complaining of lack of response and/or symptom recurrence. Although useful in some IBS patients, the validity of psychotherapy deserves further investigation. A wide array of potentially useful drugs are currently under consideration in pre‐clinical trials. A better understanding of the pathogenetic mechanisms underlying IBS may help to develop more effective drugs for this disease.