Experimental investigations on the dimethyl-amino-stilbous carcino-sarcoma of the rat have led to a modified interstitial post-operative Curie-therapy of gliomas in the brain hemispheres following treatment with radio sensitizers. After treatment with the thymine-analogous radio-sensitizers 5-brom-2-desoxyuridine (BUDR) and 5-brom-2-desoxycytidine (BCDR) and desoxyguanosine as well as the antimetabolites 5-fluor-uracile (FU) and methotrexate (Mtx), there is greater incorporation of the thymine analogues in the DNS of the tumour cells. More than any other combination, BUDR and Mtx effectively sensibilizes the tumour cells. Syncavit® and actinomycine-D are also effective. After radio-sensitizing the post-operative interstitial Curie-therapy was performed using the GammaMed® iridium-192 contact irradiation apparatus on 133 patients with gliomas. This treatment lengthened postoperative survival times.