Ultraviolet irradiation of maize (Zea Mays L.) pollen grains

Mature pollen grains from two single cross hybrids, Wf9 × H55 and K64 × K55, were exposed to eleven levels (0 to 6.80 erg/cm2 × 105 at 0.68 intervals) of ultraviolet irradiation and then were used to pollinate their genetic source. The number and weight of the normal and shrunken (partially aborted) kernels on each ear were tabulated. In general, the number of normal kernels decreased and the number and percentage of shrunken kernels increased with increasing exposure. However, significant exposure X hybrid interactions were present indicating that the amount of change depended on the hybrid. No consistent relationship between exposure and either normal or shrunken kernel weight was apparent, but pollen source hybrid was a contributing factor. The embryo weight and coleoptile length after germination were also determined for the normal kernels. Changes in these characters by irradiation were also strongly influenced by the hybrid. These results indicate that the direction and magnitude of the changes in kernel development produced by ultraviolet are modified considerably by the genetic source of the pollen grains. Presumably, genetic variation for ultraviolet response is present and selection would be successful.