Sheep Cell Agglutination Test in Chronic Interstitial Pulmonary Fibrosis

In 19 cases of chronic interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, the sheep cell agglutination test has remained positive in 5; 1 case originally negative became positive and later negative again. Five cases originally positive became negative and in 7 cases the test was always negative. In 1 case the test was not done. The results of the latex-fixation test were very similar. The time sequence of the tests is shown in detail in a Table. In 14 of the cases the maximum serum globulin level recorded was greater than 3.6g/100ml. None of the patients had overt rheumatoid disease, but in 5 of them X-rays of the hands and feet showed minimal rheumatoid changes; in 2 of these the serological tests were consistently negative. We believe that some if not most cases of chronic interstitial pulmonary fibrosis belong to the group of collagen disorders, many being probably connected in some way with rheumatoid disease.