Multiwavelength fiber laser sources with Bragg-grating sensor multiplexing capability

Two erbium-doped fiber ring lasers (EDFRLs) wvith simultaneous emission at four different wavelengths are demonstrated. Both systems employ fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) to select the operation wavelengths within the ring. The sensing capability of the FBGs has been taken advantage of, allowing for the sources to be used as sensor multiplexing schemes. The first system employs four FBGs in a tree filter topology, achieving four output channels with -5 dBm power each. The second system comprises an in-line filtering topology with active fiber segments within the filter. This second source yields 2-dBm output signals and allows for a higher number of lines to be easily added to the system. A comparison between both topologies is carried out, and their capability for sensor multiplexing is demonstrated.