The pseudopotential method is applied to evaluate p continuum wavefunctions for a number of atomic one‐valence‐electron systems. Combining the continuum p results with the ns2S ground states previously calculated, the photoionization cross sections for the ns–εp transitions of each system are evaluated. The following atoms and ions are investigated with the indicated continuum energy range above the ionization threshold: Li, Be+, B2+, C3+, Na, Mg+, Al2+, and Si3+ from 0–2.0 Ry; K, Ca+, and Rb from 0–0.6 Ry; and Cu, Zn+, and Ag from 0–0.8 Ry. Comparison is made to other calculated values with good agreement and to the observed values of Li, Na, K, and Rb with reasonable agreement.

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