The motor syndrome associated with exaggerated inhibition within the primary motor cortex of patients with hemiparetic

Following transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) at stimulation strength of 1.5 times the resting motor threshold, a silent period (SP) of approximately 180 ms duration can be observed in surface EMG-registrations of tonically activated small hand muscles. This SP is believed to be generated cortically and can be prolonged in stroke patients, but it is not known whether a prolongation of the SP has any functional significance. In order to answer the question of whether enhanced cortical inhibition can contribute to pathophysiology of motor dysfunction we studied stroke patients with clearly prolonged SP durations in the first dorsal interosseus muscle (> 2 times that of the intact side), but with normal magnetically evoked motor potentials. Sixteen patients out of a cohort of 174 consecutive patients presenting with acute hemiparetic stroke fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Serial TMS investigations were performed for up to 2 years post-stroke. In all patients, the SP duration decreased in parallel with clinical improvement. In two patients, intermittent clinical deterioration was accompanied by an increase in the SP duration. In four patients, in addition to a markedly prolonged SP duration, the phenomenon of a complete inability to initiate voluntary muscle activity for several seconds, following TMS, could be observed in a number of trials ('motor arrest'). Detailed clinical analysis revealed that, in addition to hemiparesis, distinct motor disturbances in patients with SP prolongation could be observed. These motor disturbances resembled those of motor neglect and were characterized by motivationally dependent under-utilization of the affected arm, impairment of movement initiation, inability to maintain a constant force level and to scale forces, and impairment of individual finger movements. In 12 of the 16 patients at least one additional behavioural manifestation of neglect was present. We suggest that in stroke patients severe motor dysfunction may be caused by hyperactivity of cortical inhibitory interneurons rather than by direct lesions of descending motor tracts. Cortical hyperinhibition may, in turn, result from damage to any of a number of afferent pathways to the motor cortex which modulate local interneuronal activity.

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