Avidin-Biotin-Peroxidase Complex Reagents for Routine Histological Application: A Comparison of Four Commercial Kits

Avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex (ABC) reagents from 4 commercial sources were examined with 15 antisera commonly employed for diagnostic purposes. When tested on microwave fixed, paraffin embedded neoplastic and non-neoplastic tissues, we found that it was possible to use 3 of the reagents at dilutions beyond that recommended by the manufacturers. The ABC reagent from Dakopatts could be used at 1:16, Vector at 1:8, and Amersham at 1:2 dilution of the recommended strength without any compromise in staining intensity. The Cytostain product, however, could not be diluted further without a noticeable fall-off in positive staining. The ability to use ABC reagents at strengths many times less than the manufacturers'' recommendations means considerable cost savings. In the present climate of cost containment in pathology laboratories, this becomes an important factor in the selection of a suitable ABC reagent for use in a high turnover diagnostic laboratory.