In Vitro and In Vivo Relevance of Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus gJ Proteins That Are Expressed from Spliced and Nonspliced mRNAs

The positional homologue in the infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) genome of the glycoprotein gJ gene of herpes simplex virus and the gp2 gene of equine herpesvirus 1 is expressed into four proteins of 85, 115, 160, and 200 kDa (J. Veits, B. Köllner, J. P. Teifke, H. Granzow, T. C. Mettenleiter, and W. Fuchs, Avian Dis. 47: 330-342, 2003). RNA analyses revealed that these proteins are expressed from two different late (γ2) transcripts, an unspliced 5.5-kb and a spliced 4.3-kb mRNA that are translated into proteins of 985 and 611 amino acids, respectively. ILTV gJ is incorporated into virions and is modified by N- and O-linked glycosylation. After cotransfection of chicken cells with genomic DNA of a pathogenic ILTV strain and transfer plasmids, gJ-negative ILTV mutants could be isolated. In vitro growth studies demonstrated that deletion of the gJ gene has only minor effects on direct cell-to-cell spread as measured by plaque size. However, progeny virus titers of ILTV-ΔgJ were significantly reduced in comparison to those of the parental virus and a gJ rescue mutant. After experimental infection of chickens the gJ rescue mutant, like wild-type ILTV, caused severe disease and considerable mortality, whereas ILTV-ΔgJ was significantly attenuated. All immunized animals were protected against subsequent challenge infection with virulent ILTV. In sera collected after immunization with the gJ-rescue mutant or with wild-type ILTV, gJ-specific antibodies were detectable by immunofluorescence on cells that had been transfected with a gJ expression plasmid. As expected, no gJ-specific antibodies were found in sera obtained from chickens immunized with ILTV-ΔgJ. Thus, gJ deletion mutants of ILTV might be usable as attenuated live-virus vaccines. Furthermore, the gJ gene might constitute a reliable marker for serological discrimination between vaccinated and field virus-infected chickens.