Previous studies (Carr and Acott , 1984) indicate that bovine sperm are maintained in a quiescent state in the caudal epididymis (CE) by a pH-dependent inhibitory factor. Here, we have determined that the pH of bovine CE fluid and of CE semen is approximately 5.8, and that the motility of CE sperm in undiluted CE fluid increases as the pH is elevated. Therefore, the acidity of CE fluid may play a physiological role in the maintenance of sperm quiescence. The changes in sperm motility, in response to changes in the pH of CE fluid, are reversible and rapid. Dilution of CE fluid with buffers at either pH 5.5 or 7.6 produces a much slower initiation of motility. In buffer a significantly lower pH is required to inhibit sperm motility than is required in CE fluid. The apparent pKs for inhibition are 5.3 in buffer and 6.6 in CE fluid. However, the motility of sperm in buffers that contain lactate, shows a pH dependence similar to sperm in CE fluid. That is, lactate inactivates sperm in buffer at pH 5.5 but not at pH 7.6. Lactate, and several other permeant weak acids, have previously been shown to reduce the intracellular pH of bovine sperm and many other types of cells. We show that these permeant weak acids, but not impermeant weak acids, reversibly reduce CE sperm motility in buffer at pH 5.5 but not at pH 7.6. Weak bases, which have previously been shown to elevate intracellular pH, initiate sperm motility in CE fluid. These results suggest that intracellular pH can regulate CE sperm motility and may be the intracellular messenger for the pH-dependent quiescence factor. Although sperm cyclic AMP levels have been previously correlated with motility stimulation, cyclic AMP levels do not change when the pH of CE fluid is elevated, even though full motility is initiated.

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