Computed Tomography in the Diagnosis of Deep-Neck Infections

• Computed tomography (CT) of the neck was used to identify deep-neck abscess formation. Twenty-two patients were screened by CT for deep-neck abscesses. Each patient suspected of having a deep-neck infection underwent CT, often with enhancement if the differential diagnosis included the possibility of a tumor or vascular lesion. Six cases were identified, and these patients were taken to surgery for incision and drainage. There were no false-positives or falsenegatives in the series. In all six cases of abscesses, the CT scan accurately identified the anatomical location of the abscess, allowing a more accurate planning of the surgical approach. The selective use of CT when deep-neck infections are suspected seems to produce an accurate diagnosis of the presence of an abscess, its location, and the involvement of important surrounding structures. (Arch Otolaryngol1982;108:693-696)

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