THE INCREASED interest and study of diseases of the blood vessels has brought to light many new syndromes which may be related or which may be separate diseases. The study of such diseases as disseminate lupus erythematosus, periarteritis nodosa, scleroderma, cranial (temporal) arteritis1 and migrating phlebitis2 has centered interest on many points of similarity in these diseases. A critical analysis of a group of cases observed in dermatologic practice in the light of our broader knowledge of vascular disease has stimulated this report. Allen3 has discussed this condition as a nontuberculous form of erythema induratum, which it simulates closely; however, its frequency and its lack of tuberculous causation warrant its distinction from the usual erythema induratum both by name and by more general knowledge. The fact that we have been able to collect 6 cases during the past two years indicates that this is not a