The mode of inheritance of susceptibility/resistance to mouse hepatitis strain 3 (MHV-3) was determined by typing the set of AXB/BXA recombinant inbred (RI) strains derived from resistant A/J (A) and susceptible C57BL/6J (B) progenitors for susceptibility to infection as determined by the severity of liver pathology. The strain distribution pattern for susceptibility showed a discontinuous variation: one strain was fully resistant (A-like), four strains were fully susceptible (B-like), and 16 strains showed an intermediate degree of susceptibility. The fully susceptible strains developed fulminant hepatitis and died; the fully resistant strain developed no liver disease, whereas a range of disease ranging from mild focal hepatitis to widespread hepatocellular necrosis was seen in the semisusceptible strains. This SDP best fits the two-recessive-gene model of inheritance, and neither of these two loci is linked to the H-2 complex. Macrophage procoagulant activity (PCA) segregated among the RI strains in a strain distribution pattern identical to that of susceptibility/resistance. PCA levels were greater than sevenfold elevated in fully susceptible RI mice and fourfold elevated in semisusceptible mice with no increase in resistant mice. These observations suggest genetic linkage of susceptibility/resistance to MHV-3 infection and macrophage PCA.