The thermoelectric power of dilute alloys of aluminum with Ag, Zn, Mg, and Au has been measured versus pure aluminum between 4.2 and 460°K. The solute concentrations were in general 0.1 at.% or smaller. The absolute thermopower of high-purity Al has been measured between 4.2 and 300°K. The phonon-drag component Sg in Al is negative, with a peak at about 70°K. At temperatures above 40 to 80°K, depending on the composition, the alloys show the usual reduction in the phonon-drag thermopower. However, at lower temperatures, an increase in |Sg| due to alloying is observed in all specimens. It is suggested that this anomaly in the phonon-drag thermopower of the dilute aluminum alloys is because of the anisotropy of the electron scattering. The results can be explained with a relaxation time for electron-phonon scattering which is shorter in the third band than in the main portion of the Fermi surface, in combination with an isotropic electron-impurity interaction. The electron diffusion component Se in Al is negative. All alloys show a positive change in Se.