A model for speciation is given in which a taxon’s phenotypic variation and concomitant variation in fitness are related to gradients within the environment. Phenotypic expressions within the population are shown to undergo abrupt transitions as a result of discontinuous fitness-functions. Evidence for rapid and abrupt phenotypic variation is explored by analyses of speciation (= origination) rates within the fossil record. In general, a high correlation exists among the area/volume changes of sedimentary rocks known for each geologic period and the apparent speciation rates seen in selected vascular/non-vascular plant groups. Regressions of speciation rates on rock area/volume plots indicate that the Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian show significant divergences (= residual) rates from predicted origination rates. The Cretaceous shows the highest residual value as a consequence of the rapid appearance of angiosperm fossils. A similar pattern in diversity changes for the mandibulate terrestrial invertebrates is also apparent. The coupled evolution of the angiosperms with specific insect groups appears to be the most tenable explanation for the residual Cretaceous origination rate of the former group. It is postulated that the angiospems have evolved in part as the result of a phytochemical cost-function such that phytophagous insects are warded off, while potential pollinators are favored. Quantitative/qualitative differences observed in the distribution of secondary metabolites may be evidence for coupled evolution. A “predatorprey mediated co-existence” between phytophagous insects and angiosperms may have served as a factor in allowing the co-existence of less than optimal plant species providing an impetus for relatively rapid speciation turnover.