Anatomical organization of primate visual cortex area VII

The Golgi Rapid and Kopsch techniques have been used to provide material for an examination of the internal neuronal organization of cortical area VII of the Macaca monkey. The afferent and efferent relationships of area VII, as shown by axoplasmic transport tracing techniques in our own material and in previous studies in other laboratories, are reviewed. Comparison is made between the internal organisation of VI and VII cortex in terms of (1) the marked difference in spiny and nonspiny neuron populations of granular layer 4, (2) the difference in relationship of lamina 6 pyramidal neurons to the overlying layers with a shift away from any relationship to granular layer 4 in VII, and (3) differences in the organization of VI lamina 4B and VII lamina 3B—both similarly placed, fiber‐rich bands in the two cortical areas. The extrinsic relationships of VI and VII with the lateral geniculate nucleus, superior colliculus, pulvinar, peristriate cortex, cortical area STS, and with each other are compared in terms of laminar locations of efferent neurons and afferent axon terminal fields. It is hoped that this anatomical survey will provide a better foundation for physiological explorations of the region.

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