General Classes of Influence Measures for Multivariate Regression

Many of the existing measures for influential subsets in univariate ordinary least squares (OLS) regression analysis have natural extensions to the multivariate regression setting. Such measures may be characterized by functions of the submatrices H I of the hat matrix H, where I is an index set of deleted cases, and Q I , the submatrix of Q = E(E T E)−1 E T , where E is the matrix of ordinary residuals. Two classes of measures are considered: f(·)tr[H I Q I (I − H I − Q I ) a (I − H I ) b ] and f(·)det[(I − H I − Q I ) a (I − H I ) b ], where f is a scalar function of the dimensions of matrices and a and b are integers. These characterizations motivate us to consider separable leverage and residual components for multiple-case influence and are shown to have advantages in computing influence measures for subsets. In the recent statistical literature on regression analysis, much attention has been given to problems of detecting observations that, individually or jointly, exert a disproportionate ...

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