An immunoperoxidase method was used to investigate and compare the distribution of neuropeptide-immunoreactive (ir) nerve fibers and neurofilament-ir fibers in chick carotid body. The vagus nerve and its branches were intensely immunoreactive with an antiserum against chick neurofilaments. The branches from the vagus and the recurrent laryngeal nerves anastomosed within the connective tissue encircling the carotid body, and then entered the organ to form a network of neurofilament-ir fibers. Immunoreactivities for CGRP, somatostatin, galanin, VIP and substance P were found in the carotid body; they were located within varicose fibers. Immunoreactivity for each peptide was discretely and characteristically distributed. Dense networks of varicose CGRP-ir nerve fibers were found throughout the carotid body in close proximity to clusters of carotid body cells and to blood vessels. Substance P-ir fibers were distributed similarly to CGRP-ir fibers. Somatostatin-ir fibers appeared as patches distributed around chief cells. Numerous galanin- and VIP-ir nerve fibers were observed in the connective tissue surrounding the carotid body, but they occurred in only moderate densities in the parenchyma.