Decay of 1.65-hRu95to Levels inTc95

The level structure of Tc95 has been investigated from the decay of 1.65-h Ru95. Singles γ-ray energy and intensity measurements were taken with a 42-cm3 high-resolution Ge(Li) detector in an anti-Compton arrangement which employed a large NaI(Tl) annular detector. Energies and intensities have been determined for 81 γ rays which have been observed to decay with the half-life of the Ru95 isotope. Extensive γγ coincidence Ge(Li)-Ge(Li) measurements have been utilized to establish γγ coincidence relationships. The transitions to the ground and metastable state were identified from Ge(Li)-NaI(Tl) anticoincidence measurements. A decay scheme accommodating 71 transitions between 21 levels is proposed. The levels at 2168.2, 2189.0, 2267.5, and 2382.0 keV have not previously been reported. From deduced logft values and measured γ-ray branching ratios definite Jπ assignments were made to a number of levels and limits for the Jπ values were placed for the rest of the levels in Tc95. The level structure of the Tc95 isotope is examined and compared with spectra derived on the basis of extended pairing-plus-quadrupole and shell-model calculations.